MBFI Annual Report
Metrobank Foundation, Inc. is the corporate social responsibility arm of the Metrobank Group that implements programs in education, visual arts, healthcare in the Philippines. The goal of the annual report is to communicate how Metrobank Foundation’s 35 years of accomplishments have contributed to nation-building.
Metrobank Foundation, Inc.
Art Direction
The client wanted us to present a unique concept for Metrobank Foundation’s 35th year anniversary different from the previous versions of their annual report.
We used a “tangram” concept for the art direction to symbolize how the foundation helped shape the lives of their beneficiaries. Hands playing around the pieces and forming shapes served as the main visuals for the breakers such as book for education, shield for security, sculpture, painting and ruler for arts, quill for journalism, and boat for social development. The visuals used for the infographic also utilized shapes formed by the tangram pieces.
MBFI bagged a back-to-back Platinum Anvil for its 2014 Metrobank Foundation Annual Report entitled “Empowering Filipinos, Building the Nation.” The award is given to an outstanding public relations tool which stood out from the rest of other tools which also earned the Gold Anvil.